
CalendarSyncMany companies depend on Microsoft Exchange to handle their emails, calendars, contacts and tasks. The Outlook program on PC or Mac syncs very well with the Exchange server for these functions and I depend on it as well.

ActiveSync is a mobile data synchronization application developed by Microsoft. It synchronizes data with handheld devices and the Exchange server. Unfortunately, it does not support shared calendar synchronization. My Android smartphone, Nexus 4, happens to be incapable of displaying any web calendars from the Exchange server as well. For some time, I was unable to have any shared calendars on my smartphone. It drove me crazy as I depend very much on my calendar and shared calendars to manage my tasks, meetings and appointments.

After some research, I found CalendarSync, an Android app which synchronizes appointments using CalDAV, FTP, HTTP, WebDAV or plain ics files. Annemarie, the developer of CalendarSync was very prompt in helping me setup the synchronization process. I have since then depended on CalendarSync to display my shared calendars from the Exchange server to my Android smartphone.

You can purchase CalendarSync from the Google Playstore or directly from Annemarie here.